Monday, 29 August 2016


I was a runner
I chose to ran away from pain , failures, rejections, my fears and you know what? you can run miles and miles away from everything but it will only just get worst you may think you have conquered it but actually what you did is what actually ostrich does when they think someone will hunt them that is they dig their heads underground thinking nobody will see them but little do they know that by blinding yourself and fool own self and nobody else!
Many of us spend our lives running away from truth, from reality and yet losing many things behind.
We choose to not confront some really important issues of our lives and when you are so busy at running you loose something really important and that is time! we loose a lot of time and that too on weakening our inner self ! yes you heard me , when you are trying so hard to hide yourself away from pain , fear, truth you weaken yourself you develop insecurities and you start thinking that everyone and everything in the world is trying to pinch you on your wound.
All of us have failed, all of us have had rejections, all of us have gone through some really bad times so what are you afraid about ? what are you ashamed of? why are you running?
stop!! stop yourself from running and face the reality face what is in front of you it may pain for a while but trust me it will make u stronger and all that time you could have been running now you could use that to build your own self
We all have our shares of dark nghts, choice is yours, for how long are you willing to close your eyes out of fear or are you ready to even see in the dark
The choice is yours

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