Saturday, 3 September 2016

Is It Too Late To Say Sorry?

In our one small life we have millions of times asked for forgiveness, said sorry even when we didn't mean it. Most of the times we say sorry to just close the matter to just shut it! All of us expect to be forgiven without even meaning sorry! But when it is our chance to forgive we often forget it how this cycle works. It is my request not to ask for apology if you don't mean it because all of this has made us loose the real essence of forgiveness and apology. Even when someone genuinely says sorry we don't believe them and there goes your relationship with them. With that just 5 letters word we loose what we really had and you know why? the sorry wasn't real and neither the forgiveness! This is sin I am telling you! With every meaningless sorry, you also loose something and that is trust. And then there are  some people who are so adamant that they don't say sorry ever not even when it is not their fault. For them saying sorry is rusting their personality then you should know one thing saying sorry when it is your fault and when you mean it doesn't make you small rather makes you a big you know why? because you had the courage to accept your fault and say sorry for it. Tell me how many of us have courage to do that?
We often think sorry is a simple word but it is one of the most complicated word because over using results in losing trust  and not using it at all results in losing our own respect. To have the perfect combination of that very moment to say sorry and us to actually accept our fault is something we dare not to miss. Doesn't it fascinates you how such a simple world involves such a big calculations. Who knew that even life has its own maths and may be that is why we fail in it everyday!

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