Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Days Of A Not So Complicated Girl


It was a casual day just like any other the sun was going down and the moon was coming up and as she lied down on her bed she realised the times she had been lied upon so all of a sudden she sits thinking that she would never be lied upon. And started to think to herself if she had done this this , was there a chance that she wouldn't be left alone? what could be the possibility for her to be not alone just like right now in the mere future, what if this was the reality of her life with which she had to live for the rest of her life. She looked out of the window near her bed and gazed to the stars and thought to herself this is the same sky every human on this earth is sharing with me the stars the moon the clouds then why cant someone share their time and interests with me? why in spite of having so many social media platforms she was all alone and in spite of having thousands of followers friends she did not have someone to talk to but herself? was it the beginning of her adulthood? or her inability of understanding the world.

Chapter 2
Survived another night and welcoming a new morning. Even when the sun was at its best the light did not feel bright enough to lighten the room, with one eyes opened and the other closed  she woke up that morning from the sleepless night she had, she sighed morning again! It almost felt like the light of the sun was causing pain in her eyes and the hustle of the world was unbearable to watch. Somehow watching people made her feel more lonely than she was, however she had to live by the day! Sticking to her routine and following it blindly another day passed , and Alas! once again night had approached and she was feeling more of herself and there was sudden energy and happiness that was all over her mind.
Looking at the moon and the darkness that came by it she thought to herself how can anyone be scared of the dark? isn't darkness the only thing in the world that soothes you, that gives you peace, in the dark everything is still, everything is beautiful. Thinking that she felt petty on others who could not understand the beauty of the night time. As the clock was ticking she began to think of all the things that had happened during the day and somehow every detail of the day started to come back to her even the ones she thought was of no importance, and as she listened to those repeated songs of the same playlist feeling every word by the heart ,she said to herself Zubeda its no big deal! people are meant to be this complicated it is alright if you don't understand them.
As she was trying hard to console herself but deep down she felt she was at fault, that may be it wasn't others this whole time but her. But then why didn't she change herself? was she too stubborn to change for good? or was she too weak to stand up for good?

Monday, 10 April 2017

Spreading smiles
In this vast universe of diverse living animals how often do we come across the human species? and then to not to complicate it further how often do we come across the different kinds of human sapiens?
Now you will wonder what? let me take it step by step, as everyday comes and goes with your choice or without it you come across hundreds of people, now you would think I talk to only handful of people in a day or I don't think so or what is this girl talking about? but if you come out of your zone and look to the right and the left to the skies and the ground your feet is touching every particle of this world is connected to the aura of the person that passed by it. We never see it we never know them but we can feel it, just like you can know when you sit at some table in a fast food chain you always have two kinds of tables either clean or either still having the remains of the food someone ate there before you , in our busy lives we might not consider it as something that catches our attention but definitely this surely tells about the aura of the person who has been there before. We knowingly or unknowingly affect others even  the small things you do that you think is nothing, somehow it is like the decision you make everyday either to influence someone to do better or to do worst. You might not know but your small gesture like offering someone needy your seat or helping someone cross the road or just telling someone that they can do it or telling someone they deserve to be happy or to offer someone water who knows how long this list can go? but the bottom line is everyday when you wake up till the moment you fall asleep you make choices, choice to wish others good morning, choices to make someone smile, choices that you don't know can affect someone can give a ray of hope to someone. You don't know if the person sitting next to you in the train or standing in the queue at some fast food chain or someone around you might be going through a real hard time may be depression may be your act of generosity, kindness ,thankfulness brightness positivity ignites a tiny flame of hope in them to do better, to think positive, to have faith , to believe in themselves. So as your days passes by don't forget to be not rude, we all can have bad days bad times but don't you remember watching a kid enjoying his freedom in the rain or an elder man giving you blessing or some stranger passing you a wide smile wishing you a good day gave you the strength to live by those times.

A note to an Older Self

Hey There! As this year is coming to an end I have so much that I am grateful and thankful for. This year has taught me so many lessons th...