Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Just A Thought!

What is pain?The dictionary defines it as highly unpleasant physical sensation caused due to injury or sickness.
It does not talk about the pain we go through when we are injured inside. Who do we trust with those shattered piece of glasses ,which has high potential of cutting someone real deep.
When you are broken inside all you read or listen about it, is that only you can fix yourself , only you have the power, but do you really have strength? I never really understood this concept of fixing own self. It is almost like asking the tree whose branch we just chopped to just stick back to its chopped branch if it pains that much and to be optimistic because only we can fix ourselves . Yes the tree grows itself back, again and that too on its own, but it takes really long for it to grow back and in that process it loses a part, a part of itself. It may seem normal to people , but only tree knows what it has lost.
And that is what exactly happens to us. when we go through the period of immense pain and everything in life seems to fall down and all this world asks you to be is patient, positive and optimistic ( yes there are morons who mock at you but trust me not worth even a second) but you know  that deep within you are dying. Yes you are mature and you know it is gonna pass, that this is just a phase and it will be over (at least that is what you tell yourself), but what if it is not a phase but your reality, what if when they say it is gonna pass what they actually mean is that with time you will just accept it more so that it just gives you an illusion that it is over. What if the fight you are fighting is just an illusion, just a perception. What if there is no war , there is no battleground. What if it has always been you and just you. You up against yourself! no matter how hard you try, you have to kill either of yourself , that winning means losing and the other way round. No matter how hard you try no matter how long this fight goes on for you will always end up killing a part of yourself.

Monday, 28 November 2016

The Rented Smile ! Do you know some of us  out of many people are wearing a rented smile, really? Rented? what is a smile exactly  ,where do we get it for rent? how do we pay? Smile is a pleased facial expression, now at least this is what the dictionary says. But some of us happen to wear a smile, for the world and not because we genuinely feel it.Thus instead of finding the true happiness  we rent it.When we get too busy fighting life we lose the real essence of happiness thereby we take a shorter route.We wear a smile during the day and when the night comes and nobody is looking we  pay rent by shedding some tear, by being vulnerable, by being afraid. Why would we rent something so small as smile and that too at such a cost? It is as simple as that, when in life we have broken dreams, rejections, failures, we don't really know whom to trust with our broken self, so we choose to be safe, we choose to wear a smile! to shut ourselves and  when the night comes, all we are left is with a soul that is still broken, someone who is still afraid. But you have to stop! I know it is addictive, to pretend to be merry. At the end of the day you should know that you deserve true joy and whatever it is, it shall pass with time because when the good time doesn't stay forever how can the bad time stay for long. I know that right now it may not seem possible  but trust me there is a sunshine waiting even if it takes months for the sun to rise it will. It is easy to give in to all the negativity but it takes real courage to overcome it, so be that warrior, the knight because happiness just don't happen to knock at your door, you have to fight for it, look out for it, have the vision to see the light when nobody can so that you don't have to Rent a Smile.

A note to an Older Self

Hey There! As this year is coming to an end I have so much that I am grateful and thankful for. This year has taught me so many lessons th...